BOOK A one-on-one: In person or through zoom


When you know what to look for, a person’s face, body, hands and feet all provide a window into their emotional, mental and physical patterns that occur on a daily basis.

Essentially your thoughts create and alter every element of your body, displaying for everyone your deepest fears and secrets.

Psychosomatic Analysis is a powerful technique that can give you an instant insight into your emotional blockages, things that trip you up and the real reason people don’t listen to you.

If you are ready to find out what your mind and body have been broadcasting behind your back, book a session using the link below.

Delivered via Zoom.


In this private, 2-hour Zoom meeting, we’ll conduct a deep analysis of every part of your body to identify any blocks, disturbances, or negative factors affecting your overall health and well-being.

You’ll receive a video recording of the meeting, plus an 8-page report outlining the condition of every part of your body and our health recommendations for correcting any issues. I will provide you with a personalized action plan towards clearing up any habitual patterns that no longer serve you.

This might be the right first step towards a healthier, happier you!.

BOOK A health consultation

Are body challenges getting you down? Are you experiencing dis-ease?

Psychosomatic Therapy offers no cure in the allopathic sense of the word. This consultation is designed to shine a light on the energies that led to your current situation of imbalance.

We look deeply at all the layers of the body – the bone structure, the muscles, the tendons, the fascia, the organs…bringing it all into recognition and understanding we will address your challenges at the deepest level possible.

At the end of this session you will receive a written report on the situation and how it shows up in different parts of your body (seemingly unrelated). You will also receive a roadmap to addressing the issue on the psychosomatic level.

This does not replace any medical assistance, rather it will support your path to healing by including the mental, emotional and spiritual components in the analysis and recommendations.

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